On-Demand Webinar 

Don't Miss the Growing SMB Security Services Opportunity

Save My Seat

SMBs need your help. They are good at running their businesses but not at cybersecurity.

They are increasingly targeted and can’t afford expensive products or services. Without a solution they could easily lose their business.

Our latest survey shows how worried they are and how eager they are for an effective, easy to use and affordable solution!

SMBs around the world report:

  • A 13% increase in cyber attacks
  • 22% are too busy to deal with cybersecurity
  • 34% are looking for a hassle free solution
  • A 14% increased willingness to pay CSPs for cybersecurity
  • 31% would switch to a CSP with cybersecurity

Presented by:


Stephen Saw
Director, Coleman Parkes Research


Eduardo Holgado
Director of Product Management, Cyber Security, Allot

   Michael Schachter
Senior Director of Cybersecurity Product Marketing, Allot

Allot Secure enables CSPs to leverage broadband connectivity by making it a secure broadband and protecting SMBs - through the network.

It’s good for your customers and it’s good for your business

Presented by:
Barry Spielman
Director of Product Marketing, Cybersecurity, Allot

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Ian Parkes
Owner & Managing Director, Coleman Parkes Research

Eduardo Holgado
Senior Product Manager, Cybersecurity, Allot

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Itay Glick
VP Cybersecurity Products, Cybersecurity, Allot

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